
How We Help

Our gastrointestinal and nervous systems act as portals to the external world. When either is out of balance, disruption can occur in the immune, hormone, musculoskeletal, respiratory, urinary, and skin systems; and may lead to dis-ease. To achieve optimal health, it is important to support the appropriate function of each portal.

At Key Health & Wellness, individuals are provided with tools and resources that focus on re-balancing the stress response, improving digestion, supporting detoxification and elimination, and cultivating a deeper sense of connection to self and the surrounding world.

Patients are encouraged to  actively engage with setting health goals, and creating strategies for success.

two chairs, one table, and plants by a window

Conditions & Concerns:

Dr. Cristine Ehly

Dr. Cristine Ehly grew up with a deep appreciation for the natural world and our part in it. She was also fascinated by the scientific study of the human body and the medicine used to help it heal. However, she knew that our well-being extends beyond our physical bodies to include our emotions, mind, spirit, social lives, and relationship with nature. Therefore, medicine needs to address our WHOLE selves for healing to occur. This is what led her to study and earn her degree in naturopathic medicine. She graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (now Sonoran University of Health Sciences) in Tempe, AZ.

She is passionate about helping women with ADD celebrate their unique neurological gifts and experiences.

Outside the office, Dr. Cristine supports continuing education efforts for healthcare providers as the Executive Assistant for the National Association of Environmental Medicine.  She also served on the Board of Directors for the Maryland Naturopathic Doctors Association from 2018 to 2022, filling the position of President from 2019 to 2020.

Dr. Cristine nurtures her whole self by doing one fun thing every day, spending time outside, reading for pleasure, and connecting with friends and family.

Headshot of Dr. Cristine smiling.


At Key Health & Wellness, Dr. Cristine aims to create an environment in which individuals are safe to access and explore their inner healing wisdom and resources. This allows her patients to take control of their own health, and ultimately transform their lives.



Cultivate a more inspired, compassionate, and joyful world.