
NEW Patients

If you are a new patient to the practice and would like to schedule a Naturopathic Medical appointment, please schedule a “Free 20-Minute Alignment Call” to determine if working together would be in alignment with your health goals.

If you are a new patient to the practice and would like to schedule a CranioSacral Therapy appointment, please choose “CranioSacral Therapy Initial Consult” in the Charm Scheduler below. You may also schedule a “Free 20-Minute Alignment Call” if want to find out more first.

CURRENT Patients

If you are a current Naturopathic patient who would like to schedule:

  • a “Naturopathic Follow Up”, please use the Charm Scheduler below. NOTE: Telehealth Video Calls are only available to Maryland residents.
  • a CranioSacral Therapy (CST) appointment, please schedule a “CranioSacral Therapy Follow Up” from the Scheduler below.  An initial CST appointment is not required.

If you are a current CranioSacral patient who would like to:

  • schedule a follow up, please choose “CranioSacral Follow-Up” in the Scheduler below.
  • begin Naturopathic care, please send a message to Dr. Cristine via the Patient Portal or call the office at (443) 906-3934.